Sunday, January 6, 2013

2013...More and Less

I can't believe it's been so long since I last posted...not for a lack of thoughts, but rather a lack of direction.  I started to post about Christmas childhood memories...but I was feeling a bit melancholy this season. Apparently my gratefulness for not having a pile of "some assembly needed" gifts ran out and was replaced by nostalgia and fuzzy memories of loud,energetic ,young children RUNNING down the stairs to open big, colorful, toys, none of which needed a wifi connection or a charger.

Then the Tragedy in Newtown occurred and I couldn't even begin to put into words what I was feeling or say anything that hadn't already been said.

So enough of 2012 and on to new beginnings. I personally am thrilled to have '12 behind me.  Rather than make traditional resolutions I am starting this brand new year with a more general list.
So here goes 2013:

 More veggies
Less carbs
 More water
Less sweet tea
 More singing
Less cursing
 More joy
Less regret
 More painting
Less sketching
 More music
Less television
 More projects
Less pinning
 More action
Less patience
 More planning
Less grocery store trips
 More tan lines
Less cover-ups
 More intervals
Less long distance
 More champagne
Less light beer
 More time with my brothers
Less time talking about it
 More letting God
Less worrying
 More now
Less tomorrow
More laughing
More light
More love

Bring it on.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your list. In fact, it's inspiring me to make my own. Hmmm, maybe I'll just copy yours. That would help me with "More Planning"!
